Lourdes Loves Lately

Happy Friday, Everyone! How was your week? I am so glad for the weekend to commence! What are you all up to this weekend? Any exciting plans in store? It is so cold here that I don’t feel like venturing out, but I might make a trip to a museum or gallery.  I am also in the mood to catch a really cheesy thriller or romcom movie (or a thrilling romcom?). Let me know if you have any recommendations. Here are some things I’m grateful for this week. Have a good one!

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{Lovely market floral bouquet.}

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{Apples galore at my local grocer. What’s your favorite? It’s a tough choice, but for now I’d have to say Fuji and Pink Lady aka Cripps Pink.}

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{It was like living inside a snow globe in my neighborhood.}


{What happens when you are doing Whole30…window shopping…for cakes. How low can I go?}

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{Leo caught with his snow face on.}