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Hi! Thanks for stopping by. My name is Lourdes. My blog/site, Tribeloco, is an acronym containing the first few letters of my and my sisters’ names. I was sitting at a coffee shop some years back (probably procrastinating on doing a class assignment) and began doodling on a napkin when I came up with Tribeloco. It’s pronounced tribe-lo-co. If you didn’t know it was an acronym, you might think it meant “crazy tribe,” since it is widely known that “loco” is the Spanish equivalent to “crazy.” And, that’s okay.

I have to admit, I was a bit of a wild-child in my youth. I have been through many, many, many personal development classes and have devoured many personal development books to get through the root cause of my behavior (some of which was quite troublesome and unsettling — not that I robbed any banks or injured anyone). Everything I read and learned led me to the same conclusion: I just had a lot of energy that I was exerting in the wrong ways. Crazy is not necessarily a bad thing. There are lots of people I look up to who have done some pretty wild and crazy things — the difference between them and me is they did some wild and crazy things that helped the world.

Ah! Enlightenment! A few years after I came up with the name Tribeloco, I thought about creating a website/community where I could share my thoughts/findings on things that were of interest to me such as, FASHION, FOOD, DESIGN, TRAVEL, POP CULTURE, MUSIC, MOVIES, ART, FITNESS and PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.

My thoughts and ideas lingered for a long time until I finally decided to just do it. So, here I am. Welcome to my site. I post daily (Monday – Friday) and most times twice a day. I enjoy writing about the various topics mentioned above as well as sharing anything new that I come across and am totally loving. I hope you enjoy reading!

P.S. Want o know a secret, Tribeloco can also be pronounced as Tri-Be-Loco. Ha! Go ahead, I dare you to do something crazy and amazing with this precious life we all have been gifted.


48 thoughts on “About

  1. Awwww… YAY! Thank you so much, Janice! I happily accept the nomination and will write a post about it soon! Thanks for the kind words on my blog. I’ve been enjoying reading your blog as well 🙂 Yay, Internet!

  2. Thanks for the ‘Follow’! 😀
    So much here I want to read. I’ll be back after a little work gets done, I’ll to sit back and enjoy 🙂

  3. Lourdes, thank you for following our blog. I hope I can keep you amused with our travels, work and play.
    PS –
    I, also, had a wild streak when I was younger. Many have tried to tame me – some think they have succeeded.

  4. Thank you for stopping by our blog and following it! You have a really interesting blog and we are excited to see what else you post. The recent post with the ‘farthest away’ city thing is totally awesome! Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Hey Girl! Thanks for following my blog 🙂 I’m just starting out too, so I’m looking forward to reading more great stuff from you! Cheers!

  6. Hi Lourdes!

    Thank you so much for the blog follow! I hope you enjoyed what you saw!
    I love your blog and your about profile is great!

    I too have been thru a lot of personal developments and am still undergoing a lot of changes in my life!

    Stay in touch.

    Alternative Mistress!

  7. Thanks for reading, at least I believe that you did, through blog. I will take a more prolonged gander through yours as time allows. What I have come across so far has been interesting. Take care.

  8. Hi Lourdes, thanks for following the ‘theextraaamile’ 🙂 Love your little intro 🙂 It would be interesting to know more of you 🙂 I was travelling when you joined the ‘theextraaamile’ as a follower…now that i’m back, got a chance to read through 🙂 Welcome to my small blogging world 🙂 Take care, have a wonderful day 🙂

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